Solidity Community Updates

On the solidity gitter channel overnight, there was a long discussion from a new ethereum developer who’s trying to figure out how to store images on the blockchain. Anyone who’s spent time with this knows you don’t want to store that much data on chain.

One of the community members cautioned him that “storing an image would cost more gas than a buying a car,” but he persisted looking for different compression libraries and kinds of stuff and kept at it with the community. Finally, he got this: “the question doesn’t really make sense, thats why you are not really getting good answers.”

One thing I liked about the exchange is that the community never really got snippy or attacked him for such a fundamental question that they’ve surely heard dozens of times now. That’s good.

There’s a great write up on Lexology on Wyoming’s Spring blockchain legislation.

Also an interesting discussion of GDPR and blockchain over at Computing. GDPR is hard enough to undstand but add GDPR to the mix and my head may actually explode.