Daily Solidity Update - Dual struct mappings, local remixd, modifiers, and more!
Here’s your daily Solidity update…
…May 29 edition!
Community updates
Over on StackOverflow, there are a few interesting conversations going on. The first is how to efficiently look up struct values without having to loop. The thing I quite liked about one answer is how to avoid unnecessary copies of structs. I know people say “Solidity is like Javascript,” but really it’s not in my mind. There’s also an unanswered question on how to deploy a smart contract on a recently constructed Amazon Blockchain Template – I’m super curious about the answer, myself.
A person on Gitter was asking about how to arrange folders on Remix when someone recommended running Remix locally using remixd or remix-ide: “you could : use remixd to access local file from remix -ide. or install https://www.npmjs.com/package/remix-ide , run remix-ide in the folder you want to be accessible from remix-ide and browser” Thought that was a useful idea.
Someone else on Gitter was complaining about deploying via Infura. I haven’t tried it myself yet. But here’s what he said: “I’m trying to deploy my truffle project to the mainnet using Infura, but ran into several still unsolved (!!!) issues: nonce too low, please check your gas amount etc. and kept loosing money.” No response in the community, but now I’m curious too.
There’s a brief discussion on Reddit about function modifiers. I think modifiers are great – kind of like aspect-oriented programming imho.
Random bits and recommended reads…
Token Foundry wrote a thoughtful Medium on using the state machine pattern for decreasing bugs in your Solidity contracts.
Cardano launched late yesterday. Not sure what it is quite yet but figured it was worth noting. “Plutus” might be a new word to add to your vocabulary if this thing goes anywhere.
There’s a Medium post seeking to explain Solidity to Java developers, but the author compares Solidity to Eiffel because it’s a “contract first” language. That can’t be quite right is it? Source
See you tomorrow
Been a long day so that’s all I’ve got for you for now. Tune in tomorrow for another episode!
Got a comment, concern, or comment? Send it to me via email! michael@michaelricelaw.com .